Friday, Nov. 196 p.m.$5 family meal (14 inch pizza & drinks for family) in the FC.
$3 individual meal (3 slices pizza & drink) in the FC.
Please RSVP with Rosetta at 885-5216 or to place your order, or just come at 6 p.m. and choose from what we order as extra.
7 p.m.Adults -- Session #1 with
Rick Astle in the Worship Center.
Preschool -- Childcare
Children -- grades 1-3 & 4-6 -- Will have specifically designed lessons and activities about prayer.
Students -- grades 7-12 -- attend session with Rick or will help with children.
Saturday, Nov. 209 a.m.Adults –- Session #2 with Rick Astle in the Worship Center.
Preschool/Children -- Play games/inflatables in the FC and in the children's area.
Students -- grades 7-12 -- Attend session with Rick or help with children.
12 p.m.Kingdom Prayers luncheon with Rick Astle in the Ridgecrest Room.
(You MUST RSVP with
Rosetta at 885.5216 or No child care provided. Children will eat with their parents.)
Sunday, Nov. 215 a.m.Singles prayer gathering in the Chapel.
9 a.m.Session #3 with Rick Astle in the Worship Center.
10:30 a.m.Session #3 with Rick Astle in the Worship Center.
10:31 a.m.Session #3 with Rick Astle in the Fellowship Center (live feed).
6:30 p.m.Adults –- FINAL session with Rick Astle in the Worship Center.
Preschool/Children -- Watch
Veggie Tales: It's a Meaningful Life in the FC.
Students -- grades 7-12 -- Attend session with Rick Astle or help with children.