Monday, May 20, 2013

Sunday, May 19th // Recap

Hello rbcparents! Yesterday we got to spend the morning with all of your students continuing our series about the life of Hosea, "A Prophet, A Prostitute, and the God of Love".
Yesterday we discussed about how it is not necessarily about what is on the outside, but what's on the inside... as cliché as that may sound.
In all honesty, though... two things can be identical on the outside, but be completely different internally.  God doesn't care about our exterior... it's not about how we look to the world... that's not what He looks at. God looks at our heart and what's on the inside... and that's what matters.
We asked your students the question, what do they look like on the inside? What does their relationship with God look like? Not to the world... but to themselves, and more importantly to our God. We ask that you encourage your students to think about that this week as they go through their lives.

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