by Dustin Neeley, Acts 29 Pastor -
Louisville, Kentucky"Do I get an iPad or not?" That is the question many are asking these days.
With the pending release of Apple's newest "
magical and revolutionary device," April 3 has become the new December 25 for many. Adults everywhere, techies or not, are salivating for this new gadget like Ralphie for his Red Ryder BB gun.
In the process of determining whether or not I should take the plunge myself, I have begun asking some questions that might also help you in your process of prayerful evaluation. In fact, my hope is that they serve you well beyond this particular purchase but for others as well.
1. Is this a tool or a toy?
Is this an acute want or an actual need?
While this may seem like a simple question, getting an accurate answer might be harder than we think. Our remaining sin is strong, our hearts are deceitful above all things (
Jer. 17:9), and our justifications are often powerful and compelling.
In addition to prayer and the study of Scripture, I have found that drawing other trusted friends into my evaluation process is a necessity as well. For me, it is usually my wife and one of my elders, but it can be anyone who knows our sinful tendencies well enough to help us gain the clarity we need.
To answer this question, I often write out a list of the reasons why I think I need the product, whether or not it is a “tool” or a “toy” (there’s room for both, to a degree). Then I share that list with those helping me make the decision and engage in an actual dialogue.
I use the word "actual" on purpose, because handing them my list and then getting upset when they push back on my reasoning won't help me make a sound decision. It just makes me look like an idiot.
2. What's the posture of my heart toward this device?
This may be the most important but often overlooked part of the process. I try to expose any of my idolatry regarding what it ultimately just a melding of metal and microchips that my heart has become inclined toward.
I ask myself questions like:
•Am I just wanting to buy this device because it is new and I want to keep up with the digital Joneses?
•Am I simply joining the throng of worshipers before our cultural idol of consumerism?
•Am I defining myself by what I can purchase?
•Does buying this make me feel more successful? (as in, "My identity is more in my position in this organization than my position in Christ.")
Many times, as I answer these questions, I have found they lead me to repentance, not the electronics store. They have also exposed the resting place of my true joy and citizenship—I have become more excited by microchips and metal than Jesus.
3. Is this a wise financial move?
Recognizing that everything we have is ultimately God's and we will someday give an account for how we have managed His money, I simply crunch the numbers.
•Tool or toy, can we afford it?
•If so, is it worth the value it would add to our creation or recreation?
•Would I feel good about having Jesus with me when I check out?
After all, He is, you know.
If the device in question can clear all those hurdles, I may pull the trigger. Or I may give it a few days to make sure and then pull the trigger. In either case, I have done all I can to see that my conscience is clear before God either way (
Rom. 14:23).
So can I tell you whether or not you should get an iPad? Nope.
Different people will make differing decisions based on their differing circumstances. But hopefully you now have some tools in your hand to make a Gospel-informed, wise decision.